Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pendulum Swings

Going through past entries to see how far I've come in just a few months. Thanks to all who've been with me on this journey, especially Rich and Mike, who have been so patient and supportive. Even Millie, above, is turning my head around. Here's an excerpt, with a p.s. that reflects some cynicism sweetened by an opening mind:

Pendulum Swings

November 1, 2008, the day after our second two-day workshop, we went to Denver to experience Jackson Browne in concert. The workshop had covered some mighty interesting topics including pendulum works, although I still wasn’t certain how much of Carl’s quick answers I should regard as gospel truth. The pendulum I made was still in my purse, 325 miles from home, where no one knew its owner -- a piece of natural crystal dangling from a fishing line.

So I pulled it out from time to time to measure the energy in Beule Theater. We had paid dearly for seats close to the orchestra pit, so I could check out the outfits and read the faces of everyone in preferred seating including friends and family of the band, music critics and the most energetic fans who had won, or cannily manipulated, their privilege of sitting up close.

I played with the pendulum by putting my hand in the air as an antenna, directing it at the stage, toward workers or couples eagerly taking their seats. I noticed only one person who came in by himself to take his privileged seat up close, also observed that, among the post-50, long-hair and tee-shirt crowd, he was the only one wearing a suit and tie. “Must be a critic,” I figured I’d try to get a read on him. My pendulum was madly reacting to the high positive energy around by happily swinging large and clockwise. I assumed this meant I couldn’t focus on an individual in this busy boisterous crowd. And if I did, the overwhelming force was so intensely high, it would not perceive differences in energy. I was wrong.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the performance, and thought I’d get confirmation of this fact when the band left the stage and lights went up. I held my left hand over my own heart, the fishing line in my right above seat level as my neighbor vacated the spot next to me. I focused at the dangling crystal and noticed it had subdued its turns a bit. Then as my neighbor returned I looked down and noticed it rocking differently, heading the opposite direction, reading my own heart energy as not in-tune! I pointed it out to my husband and tucked it back into my pocket, perplexed.

As the band began setting up again, there was enough light for me to take one more reading with my hand once again over my heart. It was still spinning counter clockwise, off axis. But when Jackson sang his first note, it promptly reversed direction to a full clockwise open swing.

Carl had spoken of walking down the corridors of hospitals, holding one hand up and the other on his bouncing stethoscope that was eagerly responding to the energy around it. I thought I’d try it with my crystal in Downtown Denver on this pleasant night after the concert. Teenagers were calling happily to one another – good vibes. Horses were drawing carriages. Rich could not resist offering peppermints to a Chlysdale patiently waiting his turn. All seemed in good harmony with their surroundings.

A bicyclist passed me. I thought his speed would make a reading impossible, but my pendulum stalled and acted erratic as he passed. We walked, then stopped at a traffic light and I was able to get a definite counter-clockwise read as I approached, casually palming the cyclist's back while we waited. It returned to a general clockwise spin after he took off.

I paused at the entry of the hotel next to ours, and directed my palm at the open doorway. Even though no one was currently there, it spun energetically counter clockwise. I wondered what couple last passed through those doors and what feelings they left behind.

I tried the same experiment with my own hotel entry. It felt welcoming and the pendulum agreed. A carriage horse, a large chestnut Morgan, and young couple read well. So I tried to take a reading on one of those Cows on Parade, an art sculpture, but it refused to budge. No energy. As I entered the elevator I was able to pick up some motion from my pendulum again. Probably residual energy from it last travelers. But when I turned my palm toward the electrical box, I got nothing again. So man-made energy doesn’t read either.

I was also wrong that I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew that night. Actually Rich’s boss from the USA Today was at the Chess Tables downtown, not far from the Morgan and young couple I had read. I think he took my casual upraised palm and amused expression as hello. I tucked my crystal back into my pocket as we greeted him warmly.


Post-script: January 7, 2009

My loyal dog Millie had been acting funny lately, tripping down stairs, not excited about food, leaving "treats" for us to find in our bedroom corners. So I decided to take a reading on her doing a full body scan with the pendulum. Our 12-year-old Golden cooperated in such a way as though she felt the love in what I was doing, even though I didn't know what to expect.

I put my hand on top of her body beginning above her crown where the energy immediately projected full clockwise circles. I covered her willing eyes, and the circles contracted, becoming more elliptical, and off axis, tending left. I was told she was developing cataracts, the pendulum showed me one eye was better than the other. Little hard growths and larger puffier growths, signs of aging, around her ears registered no changes to my pendulum. Her snout, throat, front were all wide open circles. Her feet and legs, despite the tripping, seemed happy too. Tail areas checked out. Under the belly, where there had been problems years ago, showed that all had cleared up now.

But when I touched her front shoulder under her right leg, the pendulum reacted erratically, spinning clearly off center and pulling left. My hands felt under her thick winter coat and confirmed that a soft massing had developed and spread. I snapped my fingers to open the chakras which responded immediately. I changed my mindset to a healing intention and let energy flow from my hands into her. Millie trembled as I touched her so gently, but did not attempt to move away. After a minute or so, she stopped trembling and looked into my eyes. I hugged her and told her everything would be alright.

I took Millie to the vet who checked out the growth, took a sample to view under the microscope and relieved us with the news that it was not cancerous. "A fatty tumor" he called it. He confirmed that her only area of concern was the eyes and ears, normal for her age but not too bad. Since she is an active dog, who still goes on horseback rides with us, she could live for many years yet.

I think every parent and pet owner should be aware of the magic of pendulum swings. I was told that most people are sensitive enough to pick up the energy very quickly, and the rest will do so with continued practice.

Any dangly thing will work, even a pendant necklace. Attention and Intention -- I feel now that these are the two distinct states of mind that put the energy into play. Give full active attention for scanning and feeling; direct intention for healing and balance.

So simple yet amazingly effective.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I had, of course, heard you talk about this. But I had never actually tried it for myself... so cool. Will write more later but battery is about to die.
